Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spring Methow-area trip

I recently made a trip to the Methow area to hike and camp and get out of my house. It is a bit early for most trails, I went up the Twisp River road to War Creek but could not drive to the trail head because of snow. I did walk for a couple of hours along the Twisp River trail that parallels the road. It wasn't very exciting but was enjoyable. I liked the many mule's ears blooming along the trail and visible even from the road.

I decided to shift to the Chewuch River road thinking I would find less snow there and more access to trail heads. I drove to the end of the road where a new foot/horse bridge gives access to the trails that used to be at the thirty mile trailhead. I had hiked these trails a few times before the Thirty Mile fire and this was the first time I had gone to the end of the road. I only walked a short ways, the destruction caused by the Thirty Mile fire and the lack of any greenery yet this year made the area very depressing especially as contrasted with what I remember from before. Not to be too self-absorbed, but just didn't want to be there remembering the lives lost and the destruction due to human negligence.

I was lucky enough to see a pair of common mergansers in the Chewuch River near where I camped. I wish I had a telephoto lens for my camera but at least I can tell what I took a picture of, a better outcome than many of my pictures.

I did limited hiking on this trip but I really enjoyed getting out of my house and into the backcountry. Even though the weather was very nice, I saw few people along either river and no other hikers.



At 13/4/21 14:21, Blogger deraz said...

خدمات مكافحة حشرات الشارقة 0567410494 التاج الملكى
شركة مكافحة الرمة الشارقة
تعمل على طرد جميع أنواع الرمة من المنزل وذلك عن طريق عمل معاينة لجميع الفراغات والثقوب التي توجد في الحائط في المنزل لمعرفة إستخدام المبيد الحشري المناسب لطرد الرمة نهائياً من المنزل.
شركة مكافحة البق الشارقة


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